Hard foam & soft foam processing

We mill your ideas into shape!

Soft foam and hard foam processing with modern milling machines is part of our daily business. Whether architectural models, figures, design models, vehicle parts or prototypes… We manufacture individual objects made to measure according to specifications. We use different types of hard and soft foam.

We use our 3D milling machines and 2D milling machines to mill (almost) all shapes from polystyrene, rigid foams and flexible foams according to your 3D data or drawings. Our CNC 3D portal milling machine has a milling path of X-3,800 mm, Y-2,200 mm, Z-920 mm. Models up to a length of 10 m are processed in a single clamping operation. However, this does not represent a size restriction for your wishes. Shapes and objects can be produced in almost any size by dividing and later joining them together.