The asteroid Vesta has a diameter of approx. 516 km, making it the second largest asteroid discovered. It orbits the sun at a speed of 69,624 km/h (19.34km/s) in 3.63 years. A research probe has digitized the asteroid and ACCENTFORM has created a true-to-original image at a scale of 1:300,000. The model weighs approx. 200 kg and has a diameter of approx. 1.70 m.
Pictures from production

The surface of the asteroid Vesta consists of iron, magnesium and ultramafic rock, while the model consists of an inner core made of polystyrene and an outer hard shell made of a model construction paste. It was pre-milled out of a polystyrene block using a 5-axis milling machine, then paste was applied and it was milled again. The model was then painted and sanded to create an authentic surface.