Angel of Prince’s Gate – figure for riding obstacle

Angel of Prince's Gate - figure for riding obstacle
Olympia 2008 - Obstacle objects
Equestrian sport - Obstacles
Equestrian Pan Arab Games
Sports car made of polystyrene

ACCENTFORM was commissioned to produce this thoroughly international figure for a riding obstacle for an international show jumping competition. The figure depicts the famous angel figure on Prince’s Gate in Toronto. This in turn is inspired by the Nike of Samothrace, a Greek sculpture that is now in the Louvre in Paris and is, so to speak, a sister of the “Golden Else” on the Victory Column in Berlin.

Our task was to produce a scaled-down, weatherproof and lightweight figure from the Prince’s Gate model. Without measuring the actual sculpture in Toronto, we made a hand-drawn sketch after researching images online. We were then able to scale these to 1.4 m.

3D drawing of the riding obstacle

To produce the figure, the first step was to make a core from hard foam. This was milled by our CNC milling machines. We laminated the PS rigid foam core with GRP in a particularly complex process thanks to the numerous edges and beads. The angel figure was then given a white finish by our paint shop. The result is a particularly light and easy-to-handle obstacle figure. This is characterized by its particularly low weight with the simultaneously robust and weather-resistant surface and can contribute to the long-term enjoyment of equestrian sports.

Statue Princes Gates:

Project details for the riding obstacle figure

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Project number

