ACCENTFORM was commissioned to produce this thoroughly international figure for a riding obstacle for an international show jumping competition. The figure depicts the famous angel figure on Prince’s Gate in Toronto. This in turn is inspired by the Nike of Samothrace, a Greek sculpture that is now in the Louvre in Paris and is, so to speak, a sister of the “Golden Else” on the Victory Column in Berlin.
Our task was to produce a scaled-down, weatherproof and lightweight figure from the Prince’s Gate model. Without measuring the actual sculpture in Toronto, we made a hand-drawn sketch after researching images online. We were then able to scale these to 1.4 m.

To produce the figure, the first step was to make a core from hard foam. This was milled by our CNC milling machines. We laminated the PS rigid foam core with GRP in a particularly complex process thanks to the numerous edges and beads. The angel figure was then given a white finish by our paint shop. The result is a particularly light and easy-to-handle obstacle figure. This is characterized by its particularly low weight with the simultaneously robust and weather-resistant surface and can contribute to the long-term enjoyment of equestrian sports.

Statue Princes Gates:
Project details for the riding obstacle figure
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Project number