For the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China, ACCENTFORM was allowed to produce some very special jumping obstacles. The equestrian competitions at this Olympics were not held in Beijing but in Hong Kong. The course for this was designed by our customer CARO GmbH & Co. The four obstacle objects Dragon Boat, Olympic Dragon, Forbidden City Veranda, Prosperity Fans and Round Door in Luu Shang Garden were ACCENTFORM’s contribution to the 2008 Olympics in Hong Kong.

The 2008 Olympics was a unique experience in which China proudly presented itself as a country and culture. Each of the four obstacles has a direct link to Chinese history or culture. The choice of material was crucial for the production of the obstacles. The obstacles had to be both aesthetically pleasing and at the same time meet the requirements of the challenging course. The obstacles were therefore manufactured using the hand laminate process. All these objects have a 2 – 4 mm thick GRP coating and are characterized by their robustness and low weight. This provides the best possible protection for horse and rider against injury. The final coloring gives the obstacles their unique character, which will be remembered by all participants and spectators.
Project details for the obstacle objects
Project number