
Series parts
Hoods for construction machinery
Volke brake trailer
GRP refurbishment of membranes
GRP body for rescue vehicles
GRP body construction for Michalak-C7 kit car
Corvette C5 - Wide conversion
Body cladding for Welger agricultural machinery
Hoods for JCB
Cladding for baler
Motorhome - Carado - Sunlight
GRP cladding for agricultural machinery
Angel of Prince's Gate - figure for riding obstacle
Olympia 2008 - Obstacle objects
Equestrian sport - Obstacles
Equestrian Pan Arab Games
Sports car made of polystyrene

GRP cladding for high-tech sports equipment

Car body

The Powergolfer is a remarkable piece of sports equipment whose unique function is to move people from a sitting position to a standing position. The aim is to make golfing possible for everyone. As the area of application is of course a golf course, the device must also be suitable for off-road use. The cladding of the Powergolfer is light, robust and suitable for everyday use, but also gives the device a dynamic look.

The cladding of the Powergolfer is made of fiberglass-reinforced plastic. This allows a light and functional cladding with an aesthetic form to be realized. This combines functionality with robustness and suitability for everyday use.

Project details for GRP cladding

Project number

